北京华威大厦位于交通便利而又繁华的西单北大街,比邻长安街与金融街,离西单地铁站仅有步行六分钟的路程,到北京火车站15分钟的车程,到首都国际机场60分钟的车程,是中港合资经营管理的集商业、餐饮、康乐及住宿为一体的现代化大厦。其中九到十一层为涉外服务型商住两用公寓,共有118套(一居室到三居室,面积60平米到200平米)不同户型的套房,公寓装饰高雅,备有欧式家具、管道天然气,中央空调、卫星电视、宽带入户、24小时热水供应及日常生活设施和家用电器一应俱全。公寓还有商务中心、超市、康体中心、中西餐厅等配套设施。此外,公寓九层的屋顶花园建有亭台水榭、草坪花坛,别有情趣,令人心旷神怡, 您可以充分的体会到陶渊明诗中“结庐在人境而无车马喧”的氛围。
Beijing Hua Wei Plaza is located in the downtown area of Xidan—one of the most thriving commercial and shopping district. It is adjacent to the Financial Street and The Changan Avenue. It is only a six minutes’ walk from the Xidan subway station ,15 minutes to the Beijing Railway Station and 60 minutes to the Capital Airport by car. It has 118 apartments of different layouts ranging from one-bedroom to three-bedroom. Each apartment is renovated in European style and fitted out with full household facilities. Besides, there are business center, supermarket, western/Chinese restaurant, Health Club (including indoor swimming pool) free of charge to the apartment long-term tenants. And the unique roof garden on the 9th floor providing a fresh and comfortable atmosphere to the tenants. And more… We shall offer you and your company competitive prices on long/short-term stay to satisfy your needs. In Hua Wei Plaza, all you need are what we do!